What you’re missing if you haven’t read Prepared Football Official’s early blog posts

If you are a new reader to Prepared Football Official’s blog, first welcome! I am glad you are here. Please take some time to read the About Me which can be found here and the Purpose page found here.

You have also missed some early blog posts I posted. One of my favorite early blog posts was, “Why You Should Make the Leap and Start Officiating Football.” This post talks about many of the benefits that can come from you deciding to become an official. Some of the benefits range from communication and composure skills to test taking and teamwork. All things that can help you in all aspects of life. Take a look at this blog here.

Another important early post was about one of the most important steps when becoming a football official, joining an area association. Being around other officials will not only help you learn the rules faster and better, but it will also help you get to know fellow officials so you can get some game assignments. Crews are eager to get some new blood out on the field and there are plenty of openings! Learn more about getting started with football officiating by reading my blog here.

Finally, my last early post that I will draw attention to is, “The 6 things you must do to prepare for your football officiating season.” This blog walks you through 6 very important things you have to do before every football season. By doing them early, you will not only be allowed to officiate that season, but you will also be less stressed and more prepared for a great season when the time comes! Learn how to better prepare for the upcoming football season by reading my blog here.


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