Every Football Official's Two Life Saving Books!

For all of the football officials out there, I think there are 2 books that you must have. If you are officiating high school football, you need to get the NFHS “High School Football Rules Simplified and Illustrated.” This book is a wealth of knowledge! If you have read through the regular rule book before, it is very likely that sometime while reading it you dozed off. It just has that affect. Everything is so technical with all the exceptions and to follow you have to jump back and forth pages. Well this simplified and illustrated rule book is what the title says! And who doesn’t love a good picture book! This book breaks down the different rules and puts them in a way that actually makes sense. Plus, almost all of the rules come with a picture to help you visualize the rule. If you would like to look at this book or order it, it can be found here.

The next book is the “Football Officiating Mechanics Illustrated” by Jeff Stern. For high school you will usually get the book for 4 and 5 person high school crews. This book is your life raft to keep you from looking like a lost puppy out on the field. This book breaks down each official’s responsibilities from pregame to post game. It includes everything from what your keys are on a pass play to where you line up on a kickoff or field goal. This book is a true life saver and I can’t give it a stronger recommendation! You can find the crew of 4 & 5 book here. Additionally, you can find the crew of 7 & 8 book for NCAA here. And finally, there is also a “Collegiate Football Rules Simplified and Illustrated” book that is much like its high school counterpart that can be found here.


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